Gemstones have always had great appeal to humanity because of their unique beauty and mystical properties. These stones are often used as jewelry and decorations, as well as for spiritual and healing purposes. Although the effects of gemstones have not been scientifically proven, their healing powers are often used in alternative medicine. In this article, I will elaborate on the effects of gemstones.

The effect of gemstones

Gemstones were created millions of years ago from rocks and minerals formed under high pressure and temperature. Each gemstone has its own unique composition and properties, which determine how the stone works. For example, there are stones that are calming, stones that give energy and stones that offer protection. The effect of gemstones is determined by several factors, including the color, structure and chemical composition of the stone.

Colors and textures of gemstones

One of the most important factors determining the effect of gemstones is the color of the stone. Each color has its own meaning and energy. For example, red represents energy and vitality, while blue represents calm and tranquility. Yellow stones are known for their stimulating effect on the nervous system, while green stones are often used for healing and balance. The structure of the stone is also important for its effect. For example, stones with a smooth texture are often calming, while stones with a rough texture radiate more energy.

The composition of gemstones

In addition, the chemical composition and crystal structure of the stone play an important role in its effects. Each gemstone has its own unique chemical composition and crystal structure, which determine which energy the stone radiates. For example, amethyst is known for its calming effect and citrine, on the other hand, has an energetic aura. Therefore, it is important to know what properties a stone has before using it for spiritual or healing purposes.

How do you use gemstones?

The effects of gemstones can be applied in a variety of ways. For example, stones are often worn as jewelry or kept near the person. This can help to absorb the energy of the stone and integrate it into one's own energy system. In addition, stones are often used during meditation or visualization exercises. Here the stone is held or placed on a specific spot on the body to produce a particular effect. Stones are also often used in combination with other alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and aromatherapy.

Although the effects of gemstones have not been scientifically proven, there are many people who benefit from their use. This may be due to the fact that gemstones emit a subtle but powerful energy that can help restore the body's energetic balance. This is especially important for people who suffer from stress, anxiety, fatigue or other physical or mental complaints.


One of the most widely known and used gemstones is the amethyst. This purple stone is known for its calming effects and is often used to reduce stress and anxiety. Amethyst can also help promote deeper sleep and reduce insomnia.

Rose Quartz

Another popular gemstone is rose quartz, which is known for its loving and soothing energy. This stone can help promote self-acceptance, improve relationships and reduce anxiety and depression.

Gemstones and physical complaints

There are also gemstones that specifically target physical complaints. For example, turquoise can help promote digestion and reduce inflammation, while tiger's eye can help relieve pain and promote blood circulation. Citrine is known for its energizing and vitalizing effects and can help improve digestion, strengthen the immune system and reduce fatigue.

It is important to note that gemstones are not a substitute for medical treatments. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before using alternative medicine for physical or mental complaints. However, gemstones can be a wonderful addition to a healthy lifestyle and can help create a sense of well-being and balance.

Cleansing and charging gemstones

If you plan to use gemstones, it is important to regularly cleanse and recharge the stone. This can be done, for example, by holding the stone under running water or by placing it in the moonlight. In addition, it is important to program the stone for the desired purpose. This can be done by holding the stone in your hand and speaking your intention or by charging it with a certain energy.

With the purchase of our gemstone products, you will receive comprehensive instructions for use so that you can enjoy the full effect of your gemstone(s)!

By delving into the properties of gemstones and the ways you can use them, you can discover which stones are best for you and how to incorporate them into your daily routine. This can be done, for example, by carrying a gemstone in your pocket, making gemstone water or meditating with a gemstone.


A gemstone water is a simple way to use the energetic properties of a gemstone. This can be made by placing the gemstone in a glass jar with water and leaving it in the sun or moonlight for several hours. The water absorbs the gemstone's energy and can then be drunk or used to spray.

With the Positivity Shop reusable crystal water bottle, you can easily make your own gemstone water. You can refill the water bottle again and again with tap or spring water. As soon as you fill the bottle, the gemstone enriches, purifies and energizes the water.

Meditating with gemstones

Meditation with gemstones is another way to experience their energy. This can be done by holding a gemstone in your hand while meditating, or by placing the gemstone on a particular spot on your body. This can help promote relaxation, concentration and inner peace.

Gemstones and astrology

In some cultures, gemstones are also believed to have certain astrological significance. This means that certain gemstones are associated with certain constellations and planets. For example, the amethyst is often associated with the constellation Aquarius, while the citrine is associated with the constellation Leo.

Which gemstone should you choose?

Choosing the right gemstone can sometimes be overwhelming, since there are so many different types to choose from. Therefore, it can help to start by choosing a gemstone that appeals to you based on color or aesthetics, and then learn more about its properties. It is also important to remember that gemstones have different energies and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another.

For beginners, we have also put together a Beginner Gemstone Set. This set consists of a selection of gemstones that are perfect to start your crystal journey with. All five gemstones have their own special effects but also complement each other well.

Conclusion on gemstones

In general, using gemstones can help improve well-being and create a sense of balance. Whether you are interested in the physical or spiritual properties of gemstones, there are countless ways to incorporate them into your daily life. By delving into the different properties and uses of gemstones, you can discover which stones are best for you and how to use them to promote a sense of well-being and balance.